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» DoE started invitation for re-engagement of Guest Teachers and issued the performa to HoS.
DoE started invitation for re-engagement of Guest Teachers and issued the performa to HoS.
Some More link for online Video for Government school (DoE) students of 10th and 12th class.
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- XII_HISTORY (Hindi Medium):
- XII_Political Science (Hindi Medium):
A very Useful Video on Corona
Click Here कोरोना वायरस, हम और हमारा परिवार
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- XII _ ECONOMICS (Hindi Medium):
- 12th Class (COMMERCE) हिंदी माध्यम
- 12th Class (COMMERCE) English Medium
- 10th Class (Science) English Medium
- 10th Class (Science) Hindi Medium
- 10th Class (Social Science) Hindi Medium
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- Excellent information about Bhagwan Shri Krishna
- DDE (ZONE-10) issued show cause notices to HoS who did complied with order of Curfew and Opened the School on Saturday.
- मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय को अब शिक्षा मंत्रालय कहा जायेगा। क़रीब तीस साल बाद नई शिक्षा नीति को मंजूरी मिली, शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में व्यापक सुधार का रास्ता खुला।
- DoE started invitation for re-engagement of Guest Teachers and issued the performa to HoS.
- Today covid test of Sh kailash chand, DDE zone 9 has been daclared as positive
- एक और कोरोना वारियर की दुखद मौत -
- जरूरी सूचना - कल सुबह टिड्डियों के दल का दिल्ली में आने की आशंका के चलते, दिल्ली सरकार ने टिड्डियों के अटैक से बचने के लिए एडवाइजरी जारी की।
- CBSE will announce Date sheet for classes 10th and 12th class by Monday I.e 18/05/2020 due consideration of some technical aspects.
- Writ Petition in High Court against announcement of Govt. to Freeze the Dearness Allowances of Central Government Employees.
- Compensatory Leave for Teachers who attended school on 14 March, 2020 (2nd Saturday) as per Order of HoS.
- बड़ी दुखद घटना - कॉन्ट्रैक्ट अध्यापिका, (MCPS Co-ed,Bhadola village) और उनके पति की कोरोना से मौत ।
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- 89 Years old copy of PAY BILL REGISTER OF A SCHOOL.
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