Let's debate friends whether you agree or disagree; let govt of Delhi ponder over all these issues...
π΅I'm trying to bring out some of the big concerns which I have felt [and you also have been discussing] and contemplated during these years... What is your take on all this hoo-hallah going on in the name of education reforms in Delhi?
Do you wish to add some more concerns or would like to rule out some of my concerns or you might have a different perspective? But, in any case, we, the people of education, should debate on all these issues...
We can't avoid these pertinent questions and just praise the govt.
π΅To bring about any change in habit or betterment in learning, it needs continuous repetition or efforts but somehow it is missed in schools. There is hardly any quality academic time left for teachers to devote to students' studies because of all non-sense non-academic works...
π΅ Promotion and transfers in large nos, non availability of teachers, admissions, re-admissions till very late, examinations, workshops and seminars, CBSE registrations, circulars of [sometimes more than 80 pages] with deadlines, days celebrations, ladli, adhar, bank account, subsidy, distribution of books, and now formation of 12 clubs in addition to all other club and activities with all sorts of non academic nature of work etc some, infact everywhere breaking the continuity and the little connect we get over these children fizzles out, especially the touch over ''not so good'' students.
Not able to establish stability in this field. All efforts are being done to lift the standard of education but the time I want to spend with my children or [the HoS with his teachers] need to spend is diminishing day by day.
We need to check this and how, let's discuss and debate.
π΅ Tests and Examination for large nos. of weak/ failed students of class IX seems to be futile exercise. As they are not writing more than 2-3 pages and spend just 30-45 minutes of productive time in writing answers out of full 3 hours. The studies 2-3 days before exams and 3-4 days after exam also get affected due to preparation and result making/marks uploading etc.
So we miss out very important time which could have been utilised in more teaching and practicing or short exams/ different set of questions for these students can be better option.
π΅A very heavy and extra large portion of syllabus in all subjects is a major cause of all such problems in my personal opinion. We need to seriously consider about reducing syllabus particularly in languages; reduce a few prose lessons and devote time to Listening and Speaking skills.
Reducing at least one hour from general shifted schools .
The actual study time for students should not be more than 5 and a half hours. We need to reduce useless syllabus and not increase time or working days to cover up the useless portion of syllabus.
Immediately take away all the non-academic works from teachers and you will see miracles happening in schools, you won't require any happiness curriculum if you de-burden trs, Principals/ VPs and students.
Let's ponder over and debate.
π΅ Increasing interference of SMC, inspecting officers with negative attitude and even politicians, MLAs etc is also a problem area.
π΅ What have been the benefits of appointing Mentor Teachers? Let's debate.......
Let's debate ..
π΅Also Installation of Bio meteric machines for teachers attendance....why so much blaming and imposings of all set of rules on teachers only? What does the govt wants to prove tht we are not honest with our jobs#why shouldn’t there be a different attitude towards teachers?How can the govt pre- concieve everytime that is the teacher who is responsible for poor results and failing interest of most of the govt. school children towards learning? Are there no other factors for children being failed??
π΅Classes for teachers to learn computers after school hours and so much stressful and hectic work hours, trs have to be busy all day, they don't work like ''babus'' they need to be on toes all the time.
π΅ Increased Violence against teachers is another major concern; and like all other govt buildings CISF should be deployed in all govt schools.
π΅Instead of making the activities of "important days" mandatory for all schools, department can streamline and leave it to the choice of the school- just one day to be observed and that too by one group (age/classwise); another could be integrating these with the syllabus- in language, drawing, history, pol.sc. classes- instead of repeatedly holding competitions & the worst thing us giving evidence by sending photos & report.
This creates lots of pressure. Exposure is good; but at present there is little learning happening. As earlier suggested technology can help, but we have a long way to go.Let's see how teachers succeed using the 16 GB tablet for all the things the dept wants them to do!
π΅A.: ..one day to be observed in a month...as per school's choice.
π΅.: For students to be happy, teachers have to be happy. Unhappy teachers are bound to produce unhappy children.
π΅ What i believe is that ultimately education begins at home! till their parents can’t give them basic living conditions and develop good ethics in them nothing can change the situation..
This is the harsh reality of these school kids which rarely anyone dare to highlight.
π΅And the situation is so grave that don’t know to what level the teachers will face damage in their personalities by acting puppets to so called success schemes launched by govt which believes that these NGOs whch they follow will do miracles & wonders to quentch their thirst for votes!!!
π΅All these Matters are worth contemplation. Those who educate others And enable them to reach their goals they themselves feel hopeless ..When they are into the mess of what to do and what not to do, how are you going to get results from them, minister Sahab?
We are working hard to build careers of those who have not a privileged background. This is the first thing that the government should understand that the background and the upbringing of the child hampers the efforts of the teachers. The poor results is not just because of teacher but because of the redundant policies,Lot of experimentation etc. powerless teachers are often thought of as the real culprits though they are the real victims of the system.
π΅There are many discrepancies in our education which need to be discussed in healthy way ...
Mentors are doing nothing just wasting time and govt is spending too much money on them , sending them abroad and many more
What I’m observing in my school is really frustrating, TGT English was sent to Singapore to learn teaching techniques n what she is doing ...,,
Doesn’t even go to her class , always on phone
Flattering senior official for personal benefit etc.
π΅ Pathetically, 50% of the officers sent to Cambridge and Harvard don't know how to speak few sentences in English, and govt is wasting million of rs on them, at least there should be done orientation of principals or mentors before sending them abroad.......
One friend said 'You are righ, teachers are loaded with too much non-academic work
N many more things need attention and discussion...
π΅ Friends, leave govts flattering and think seriously about all these issues...
Speak up your mind
Tell us what you're thinking... !