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To fix Timeline for redressal of grievances

DOPT issued a circular F. No. 55/20/2012-P&PW(C) dated 18-02-2013  to  fix Timeline for redressal of grievances as per software developed for monitoring of Pension related grievances as follow :-


F. No. 55/20/2012-P&PW(C)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
New Delhi, the 18th February, 2013

All Nodal Officers of all Ministries/ Departments
(Web Based Pensioners' Portal)

Subject :   To fix Timeline for redressal of grievances


As per software developed for monitoring of Pension related grievances, all on- line grievances of pensioners are being fed through web application CPENGRAMS available in the Pensioners' Portal maintained by Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare and the same are forwarded online to the concerned Ministries/Departments/Organizations for their redressal. It has, however, been felt that timely action is not being taken by various Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations for redressal of grievances and same remain pending for unduly long periods. There is thus need to emphasis upon the concerned officers dealing with these grievances in your Department for taking timely action on the grievances of pensioners so that unnecessary delays could be avoided. The regional offices and field officers, wherever they exist also need to be sensitized in this regard accordingly.

2. Any grievance redress system would be failing in its primary purpose of the minimum courtesy of acknowledging receipt of a complaint is not observed. As per the guidelines issued by Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances vide its Office Memorandum No. K 15011/l/2006-PG, dated 22nd May, 2006, an acknowledgement has to be sent immediately and at the most within a period of three days of the receipt of the grievance and the grievance itself should be redressed within a maximum period of two months of its receipt. Cases where it is not possible to give immediate reply, an interim reply should be given to the applicant. An immediate action by the concerned Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations will be steps towards pensioners' welfare and will go a long way in ameliorating the hardships of Pensioners. Further, in case it is not feasible to accede to the request made in the petition, a reasoned reply may be issued to the aggrieved citizen within this stipulated time limit.

3. As already requested earlier vide this Department's letters No. 41130/2011-P&PW(C) dated 13.01.2012 and 15.10.2012, you are once again requested to fix the time-line for timely redressal of grievances as per the guidelines issued by Department of AR&PG (copy enclosed). A detailed report on the action taken for implementation of these guidelines may also please be sent to this Department.

Yours faithfully

Sd/- Tripti P. Ghose

(Tripti P. Ghose)

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